Saturday, May 25, 2013

2nd tray

Well, it's been a little bit since I updated this last. We just moved into our new home and the move went surprisingly well despite the fact that I started my 2nd Invisalign trays the night before the move. It felt tight and sore but less so than with the start of the 1st trays. I came home from work Wednesday night, took out tray 1 for dinner, ate and popped some Tylenol and put in tray 2 when we were done eating. I can feel it moving my upper front teeth and also my lower middle section. Today is Saturday and its starting to feel less like a vice grip on my teeth, so I guess they're cooperating and moving like they're supposed to.  I feel like I'm more in the rhythm with managing the invisalign and I have a little travel bag that I carry so I can take them out when eating on the go. It's becoming less of a nuisance and more of a way of life, so I'm happy about that. 2 weeks and 1 day down, 2nd tray of 26 in my mouth! Looking forward to finishing this and having beautiful straight teeth!

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